Caminhar por um shopping pode ser uma experiência agradável em Los Angeles. O The Grove é um centro comercial que trocou os corredores por ruas largas e jardins. São lojas de todos os tipo espalhadas por um espaço enorme. Mas o mais legal de fazer um passeio por lá é aproveitar para visitar o Farmer's Market.
O mercado que já existia antes do shopping ser construído, possui todo tipo de "tendas": frutas, legumes, pães, massas, sorvetes, além de vários restaurantes especializados em culinária do mundo todo.
Passamos o dia passeando por lá e quando nos demos conta o sol já estava se pondo e já eram quase 20hs!
Walking through a mall can be an enjoyable experience in Los Angeles. The Grove is a shopping center that exchanged the aisles for wide streets and gardens. There are all kind of shops spread over a huge area. But the nicest thing about taking a ride over there is going to the Farmer's Market.
Walking through a mall can be an enjoyable experience in Los Angeles. The Grove is a shopping center that exchanged the aisles for wide streets and gardens. There are all kind of shops spread over a huge area. But the nicest thing about taking a ride over there is going to the Farmer's Market.
The market, that existed there before the mall was built, has all kinds of stalls: fruits, vegetables, breads, pasta, ice cream, plus several restaurants specialized in cuisine from around the world.
We spent the day walking around there and when we realized the sun was setting and it was nearly 8pm!
Farmer's Market
6333 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles, California
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