Na loja pode-se encontrar diversos tipos de carimbos (a maioria tirada de livros antigos), todas as cores possíveis de tinta e ainda recebe encomendas.
Além de Casey, o responsável por fazer tudo funcionar é Keat. Ele nos contou que não conheçe nenhuma outra loja como essa em Nova Iorque, que faz carimbos realmente de borracha com técnicas antigas.
Para Keat serviços assim ainda são procurados porque no meio do mundo digital as pessoas querem pegar e sentir mais as coisas. Além de toda a história vintage: "tem gente que compra cds, mas outras preferem vinil. É a mesma lógica."
No mundo dos carimbos, os dois afirmam: "O céu é o limite, desde que seja preto e branco!"
Casey Rubber Stamps is a stamp store in the East Village that has been operating since the 80s. The owner is a nice irish man that considers himself a real new yorker. He discovered the stamp world when he was a kid and told us ironically: "If I had to do it all again, I would stay in school and become a tie man!".
In the shop you can find many kinds of stamps (all taken from old books), all the possible colors of ink and you can still order your own design.
Besides Casey, Keat is the one that makes everything happen. He told us that he doesn't know any shop like this in New York, that actually make rubber stamps with old technique.
For Keat, people still look for this kind of service because in the middle of all this technology world, they still need to feel and touch things. And there is all the vintage talking: "There is people who buys cds, but there is people who prefers vinyl. It's the same logic."
In the world of stamps, both say: "Sky is the limit, as long as it's black and white!"
Quero um de cada!