Os brechós são muito populares na França mas o Thanx God I'm V.I.P. é com certeza diferente. Madame Sylvie Chateigner sempre gostou de roupas vintage e conta que sua paixão surgiu das memórias de sua infância observando a elegância de sua mãe e há aproximadamente 3 anos montou sua loja em uma rua tranquila de Paris.
Diferente de outros brechós com as araras tão entupidas que dá até uma certa preguiça de olhar, o Thanx God é super organizado e espaçoso. As roupas são coordenadas ora por cores ora por estilo e tem muita coisa legal, desde marcas desconhecidas até marcas consagradas.
A diferença está no cuidado que Madame Sylvie tem com seus produtos, ela faz questão de escolher peça por peça e esqueça o cheiro de roupa velha! E se você escolher alguma coisa que precisa de algum conserto, ela faz questão de arrumar na hora (como no casaco que a Anninha comprou e estava sem um botão na manga!).
No site da loja dá para se inscrever para receber a newsletter, sempre com sugestões de looks, peças novas, novidades e até um podcast para escutar (música e festa são também paixões da dona!).
Thrift stores are very popular in France but Thanx God I'm VIP is certainly different. Madame Sylvie Chateigner always liked vintage clothes and says her passion comes from her childhood memories of watching the elegance of her mother and now she set up shop her vintage shop almost three years ago in a quiet street of Paris.
Unlike other thrift stores with racks so clogged up that gives a certain laziness to take a look, Thanx God is super organized and spacious. The clothes are color-coordinated or organized by style and there are some really cool pieces, from unknown to famous brands.
The difference is in the care that Madame Sylvie has with her products, she makes sure to choose piece by piece and forget about the smell of old clothes! And if you choose something that needs some repair, she will fix it right away (as in a coat that Anna bought that had a missing button on the sleeve!).
In the store website you can subscribe to the newsletter, that always has suggestions of looks, new arrivals and even a podcast to listen to (music and party are also the owner's passion!).
Unlike other thrift stores with racks so clogged up that gives a certain laziness to take a look, Thanx God is super organized and spacious. The clothes are color-coordinated or organized by style and there are some really cool pieces, from unknown to famous brands.
The difference is in the care that Madame Sylvie has with her products, she makes sure to choose piece by piece and forget about the smell of old clothes! And if you choose something that needs some repair, she will fix it right away (as in a coat that Anna bought that had a missing button on the sleeve!).
In the store website you can subscribe to the newsletter, that always has suggestions of looks, new arrivals and even a podcast to listen to (music and party are also the owner's passion!).
12 rue de lancry - 10 arrondissement
Paris - France
Thank you very much for this article...
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The Thanx God I'm a V.I.P Team