Tribeca, que significa Triangle below Canal Street, era há muitos anos atrás uma área exclusivamente industrial, com grandes armazéns e é hoje um dos metros quadrados mais caros de Manhattan.
Os galpões foram totalmente revitalizados e transformados em prédios residenciais e comerciais. O legal é que as fachadas foram mantidas e conservadas e esse ar industrial antigo dá um charme especial para o bairro.
Com muitos restaurantes e lojas, Tribeca é um dos vários lugares de Nova Iorque para se conhecer e que vale a pena. Mas vá com tempo e aproveite para passar pelas passagens estreitas que ligam uma rua a outra e sempre olhe para cima! Os prédios são realmente lindos e muitos dos becos e passagens ali já serviram de locações para muitos filmes e sessões de fotos)!
Tribeca, which means Triangle below Canal Street, was many years ago an exclusively industrial area, with big warehouses and is now one of the most expensive square meters of Manhattan.
The warehouses were totally revitalized and transformed into residential and commercial buildings. The cool thing about them is that the façades were kept and preserved and the old industrial atmosphere gives a special charm to the neighborhood.
With many restaurants and shops, Tribeca is one of the several places in New York to visit and it's worth it .But take your time and enjoy the narrow passages that connect one street to another and don't forget, always look up! The buildings are really beautiful (and many of the alleys and passages there have served as settings for many movies and photo shoots)!
The warehouses were totally revitalized and transformed into residential and commercial buildings. The cool thing about them is that the façades were kept and preserved and the old industrial atmosphere gives a special charm to the neighborhood.
With many restaurants and shops, Tribeca is one of the several places in New York to visit and it's worth it .But take your time and enjoy the narrow passages that connect one street to another and don't forget, always look up! The buildings are really beautiful (and many of the alleys and passages there have served as settings for many movies and photo shoots)!

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