Descendo a montanha rumo a San José, resolvemos parar para comer em um restaurante na estrada. O Linda Vista é um restaurante de comida típica e caseira bem simples, todo de madeira em um tipo de construção que é muito encontrado na Costa Rica. Logo na porta pode-se ver milhares de papeizinhos na parede, pouco comparado ao interior do restaurante. Paredes, janelas e teto são cobertos de recados, cartões de visita, fotos, cópias de passaporte, dinheiro, roupa e tudo mais que se pode imaginar. Todo mundo quer deixar seu registro da passagem por alí.
A comida foi só um detalhe. Pedimos alguns gallos (tortillas com algum recheio) de carne, linguiça e queijo, e para acompanhar suco de cás (fruta da mesma família do araçá). Legal mesmo foi ver a paisagem e aproveitar para deixar nossa marca lá também.
E a parede avisa: "por aqui passou gente importante como você".
Going down the mountain towards San Jose, we stopped to eat at a restaurant by the road. Linda Vista is a restaurant with local cuisine and homemade and simple food, in an all-wood a building type that is often found in Costa Rica. Right by the door you can see thousands of pieces of paper on the wall, not much compared to the interior of the place. Walls, windows and ceiling are covered with notes, business cards, photos, copies of passports, money, clothes and everything else you can imagine. Everyone wants to leave their mark of passing through there.
The food was just a detail. We ordered some gallos (tortillas stuffed with something) of meat, sausage and cheese, to drink Cas juice (fruit of the guava family). It was nice to see the countryside and leave our mark there as well.
And the wall say: "important people like you passed by"
The food was just a detail. We ordered some gallos (tortillas stuffed with something) of meat, sausage and cheese, to drink Cas juice (fruit of the guava family). It was nice to see the countryside and leave our mark there as well.
And the wall say: "important people like you passed by"
Que lugar incrível!!! aliás, que lugares!!!